Hi, I'm @ryusei__46.
I would like to leave a reminder that I struggled quite a bit with building native modules in NW.js.
With Electron, it was a one-touch process with the convenient "electron-rebuild" module, but with NW.js, it was a bit quirky.
Electron is the most famous native app framework, but I recently stopped using it. The reason is that it doesn't have a source code protection feature. After all, it is bad for security to be able to see the code, and there is a possibility that the code can be cracked.
So, for now, let's do a quick rebuild of a native module in NW.js.
My Environment
- Windows 11 Pro
- node.JS v18.13.0
- node-gyp v9.1.0
- node-pre-gyp v0.17.0
- nw v0.72.0
- nw-gyp v3.6.6
- sqlite3 v5.1.3
Native module rebuild
I recently had the opportunity to use Sqlite in my personal development of a native application and decided to adopt the "sqlite3" module. Since this is a native module, it needs to be rebuilt for use with NW.js.
-- プロジェクトのルート
|--- node_module
|~~~ src // ソース・ファイル
|=== build // 配布用ビルド済みパッケージ
|=== package.json
We are developing with the above structure. First, install the Sqlite3 module with npm.
npm i sqlite3 --save
Next, install the npm package required for the rebuild.
npm i node-gyp node-pre-gyp nw-gyp -g
It is recommended to install globally with the option "-g" for all.
Once the installation is complete, we will work on rebuilding the package "Sqlite3" that we have just installed. Unlike with Electron, you will need to move into the project of the module you wish to rebuild and do the work.
In other words, move to the project directory of the installed "Sqlite3" "project root\node_module\sqlite3" with the "cd" command and rebuild "sqlite3" with "node-pre-gyp" for NW.js.
cd .\mode_module\sqlite3
node-pre-gyp rebuild --runtime=node-webkit --target=0.72.0
As for the options used in node-pre-gyp, "-runtime=node-webkit" should remain the same, and "-target=x.x.x.x" should be the version number of NW.js currently in use. The "-target_arch=x64" should be the architecture type of your PC.
You should now be able to rebuild.